Solo burlesque juggling act. Fred Teppe makes his own world in which he diverts daily life objects’ role to an unique handling style.
About the show
Solo burlesque juggling act in the spirit of Jacques Tati. Fred Teppe createsan original, quirky and poetic world in whichhe diverts daily life objects’ role: a magic stool where balls rebond before disappearing, a rebelling clothes drying becoming a dislocated bird, crisp boxes with improbable content turning alive, singing or flying. As an avid gourmet and true crisp’chopath he devours all along the show crisps the size of tiles. This genuine and smooth character tries somehow to put on a good look in a world which is not without remaining the best movies of Pierre Etaix.
Performed more than 300 times in France and abroad (Angola, Egypt, Turkey, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, etc), Tuiles is a true public success!
Duration of the show: 60 minutes
Distribution: Fred Teppe
Lighting creation: Jean-Pierre Legout
General Management: Florent Chartier
Costume: Elsa Rosa
Show from 3 years old for all kind of audiences including hearing-impaired and non-French speaking
Duration: 60min
Recommended stage area: 3.5m (height), O : 5m , P : 5m
Adapted outdoor and under big top/tent: duration of 45min ; flat, smooth and non-vegetated ground required.
Logistics: two persons traveling from Nancy (France).
Possibility to setup meetings with medias, public, etc.
Paul Rozaire
Diffusion manager